How to Calculate a Wrongful Death Settlement

Get Help From Our Wrongful Death Lawsuit Lawyers

When you lose your loved one to a car accident, medical malpractice, construction accident, or a work-related accident, you may be left with undue expenses on top of your emotional trauma. A wrongful death lawsuit can be an emotionally trying experience and requires an experienced hand to help you navigate through it. If you’ve lost a loved one due to wrongful death, you may be unsure how to determine the amount of damages you are due. While it is impossible to place a monetary value on the life of your loved one, there are many practical factors that will be considered when determining a damages amount. If you’re filing a wrongful death claim, it’s important to work with an experienced attorney to make sure you are fairly compensated for your loss. Grey Law is an experienced wrongful death attorney in Los Angeles and can explain what you are entitled to after a loved one’s death that was caused by someone else’s negligence.

When a lawsuit is filed due to death as a result of someone else’s negligence, your attorney will work to negotiate a settlement amount to be paid out to the survivors of the victim. Multiple different factors are taken into consideration to determine the settlement amount. Some of the main factors that you can expect to be considered include:

  • The deceased person’s age at the time of death
  • The earning capacity and income of the deceased at the time of death
  • The deceased’s health status prior to death
  • The medical expenses incurred as a result of the death
  • The education or training of the deceased at the time of death
  • The loss of love or companionship suffered by survivors as a result of the death

There are other factors as well, including funeral expenses and other medical expenses incurred by survivors as a result of the death as well as the age and circumstances of any surviving dependents. If the survivors are facing financial difficulty as a result of the wrongful death, the settlement is more likely to be higher to help recover expenses. The emotional anguish of the survivors is also taken into account. The value of lost benefits such as a retirement pension or health insurance account will also be taken into consideration when the final settlement is calculated. Finally, the identity of the party responsible for the death is also taken into account. Every wrongful death case is unique, so it is important to hire an experienced Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorney. Your attorney will explain all the factors that will be taken into account in your case and how you can expect them to contribute to the final settlement amount.

All of the factors considered in determining the settlement must be supported with objective evidence. The final settlement amount cannot be calculated by guessing or estimating, it must be an exact figure based on specific calculations. That’s why it’s important to by represented by a Wrongful Death Lawyer. We’ll make sure that every factor is taken into consideration and that you get the full settlement you’re entitled to. An experienced attorney will not be bullied or intimidated into accepting an amount lower than what you deserve, and will understand what a reasonable settlement amount is in your specific case. That’s why it is important to have strong legal representation when you negotiate a wrongful death settlement.

Once a wrongful death settlement amount is calculated, it will most often be paid out by an insurance provider. If you disagree with the settlement amount, you may choose to proceed to a trial. If you take your wrongful death suit to trial, you’ll want a strong LA personal injury attorney on your side. There is no guarantee that the judge or jury will award you the full damages that you are seeking. If you are successful at a wrongful death trial, you could ultimately receive more than the settlement amount, but you could also receive far less. You will need to carefully discuss the decision to go to trial with your attorney. There is no way to determine how successful your wrongful death trial will be, so a Los Angeles wrongful death settlement lawyer can help give you an idea as to what you should expect if you decide to contest the settlement at trial.

Every year, survivors of wrongful deaths are awarded millions of dollars for undue expenses and the emotional anguish that results from a loved one’s death. When you file a wrongful death claim in Los Angeles, we will dedicate ourselves to walking you through your case and ensuring that you and your family receive a fair settlement. Wrongful death lawsuits can be drawn out and costly, so you must work with the most experienced attorneys.

There is nothing easy about losing a loved one to someone else’s negligence, but a Los Angeles lawyer can walk you through the process of a wrongful death settlement. But if your loved one died as the result of another person’s negligence, you are entitled to wrongful death compensation to help recover expenses and lost income. As an experienced personal injury lawyer, Grey Law will help walk you through the process of filing a wrongful death claim in Los Angeles. We are experienced attorneys and will not be intimidated into accepting anything less than you deserve.