Why Choose Our Pedestrian Accident Attorney in Los Angeles?
Los Angeles is home to around 4 million people. People in the city drive, walk, bike, and take public transportation on a daily basis. When distracted motorists fail to see pedestrians, however, severe accidents can occur. If you or someone you love experiences a serious injury in a pedestrian accident, you’ll need a Los Angeles pedestrian accident lawyer on your side.
Why Is It Important to Hire an Experienced Los Angeles Pedestrian Accident Attorney?
At Grey Law we have over 35 years of experience and a reputation for excellence you can count on in your time of need. It is extremely important to hire a pedestrian accident lawyer to protect your rights if you got injured due to another driver’s negligence. By speaking to an experienced pedestrian accident attorney in Los Angeles, you will get the legal advice and guidance you deserve during this trying time. To best educate you on how to handle a pedestrian accident, we have provided information that you may find helpful.
California Laws and Pedestrian Accidents
Car accidents involving pedestrians tend to result in severe bodily harm or no damages at all. In most cases, vehicles strike the lower part of your body first, followed by your upper torso, arms, or head. To avoid accidents from occurring, California requires pedestrians and drivers to obey safety laws.
State vehicle code § 21950 compels all motorists to yield to pedestrians, regardless of proximity to a crosswalk. Drivers must slow down, stop, or take other actions to protect pedestrians from harm. The code is clear, but distracted motorists often fail to see or react to a pedestrian in harm’s way.
As a driver, taking your eyes off the road for even a few seconds is the same as closing your eyes and traveling the same distance. Additionally, pedestrians must follow the same rules to avoid getting hurt. Pedestrians can share fault, even if they get hurt, from jaywalking, not using a traffic control signal, or walking while intoxicated.
These accidents happen where pedestrian traffic is heavy and in areas that don’t typically accommodate pedestrians. Common areas where serious and deadly pedestrian accidents take place include:
- Road shoulders
- Crosswalks
- Parking lots
- Street corners
Common Pedestrian Accident Injuries in Los Angeles
Part of a successful compensation claim is understanding what kind of injury you’ve suffered from the initial collision. Some victims sustain life-long injuries, whereas others recover within a few months. At our law offices for personal injury claims, we have seen the following injuries:
- Head and brain trauma
- Spinal damage
- Internal bleeding from impact
- Fractured and broken bones
- Other life-threatening injuries from the sheer force of the impact
Each case is unique per client. Unfortunately, depending on the nature of the accident, regaining normalcy in your life will take some time.
Where Do Pedestrian Accidents Occur the Most in Los Angeles?
Los Angeles is a thriving metropolitan area where pedestrians and motor vehicles travel on the same streets. From January to June 2015, 347 pedestrians died in vehicle collisions in California. This is a 7% increase compared to the same timeframe the previous year. Pedestrians are more likely to sustain life-threatening injuries than vehicle occupants in crashes. While many might argue that there is no truly safe place for pedestrians in Los Angeles, certain intersections are more dangerous than others. Showing extra caution in these areas could save your life. Here are some of the most dangerous intersections in Los Angeles:
Imperial Highway and Vista Del Mar
According to a study by DataScience, the intersection at Imperial Highway and Vista Del Mar poses the greatest threat to L.A. citizens in general. With 20 collisions from November 2014 to October 2015, this intersection beat the second-highest intersection by four collisions. However, this intersection does not represent the most pedestrian collisions—just the most collisions overall.
Highland Avenue and Hollywood Boulevard
Highland Avenue and Hollywood Boulevard are at the top of the list when it comes to deadly pedestrian intersections. This crossing is typically crowded as one of the most popular locations in urban L.A. With six pedestrian accidents between November 2014 and October 2015, this intersection is the greatest threat to pedestrians. Between 2002 and 2013, vehicles struck 28 pedestrians at this intersection. As part of a citywide transportation plan called Mobility 2035, this intersection is now home to a new $50,000 scramble crosswalk. The new crosswalk enables large groups of pedestrians to cross, even diagonally, more safely in traffic.
South Figueroa Street and West Manchester Avenue
In terms of hit and run accidents, the intersection of South Figueroa Street and West Manchester Avenue had the highest number of collisions according to DataScience. With nine collisions in the study’s timeframe, this intersection poses the greatest threat to motorists and pedestrians for hit and run accidents. Hit and runs are especially devastating to victims and their families, as they cannot pursue lawsuits against the unknown drivers.
Other Dangerous Intersections in Los Angeles
Other most dangerous intersections in Los Angeles tied for second place, with four pedestrian collisions between November 2014 and October 2015. These intersections were:
- South Central Avenue and East Vernon Avenue
- South Vermont Avenue and West Exposition Boulevard
- Hollywood Boulevard and North McCadden Place
- South San Pedro Street and 7th Street
- East 6th Street and Crocker Street
These insights will hopefully encourage pedestrians who frequent these intersections to be more cautious when crossing. Even when pedestrians have the right-of-way, they should check both ways before crossing. Wait for vehicles to come to complete stops before stepping out onto the street. Keep your eyes on the sidewalk while walking, not your cell phone. Although most pedestrian accidents are the motorist’s fault, it is important to practice safe habits as a pedestrian.
What is Los Angeles Doing to Protect Pedestrians?
The Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) acknowledges the need for improved traffic patterns and pedestrian safety. As a city with a large number of pedestrians walking the streets, pedestrian safety is a top priority. Recently, LADOT added two new Pedestrian Coordinator positions to manage the pedestrian safety program and create a Master Plan for the city. LADOT is working with other committees in the city to develop policies that will improve pedestrian safety in school zones and dangerous intersections.
The Pedestrian Advisory Committee is one that LADOT is working with to improve pedestrian safety. The Committee strives to encourage walking as a viable alternative to driving in the city by improving the city’s crosswalks and safety policies. It promotes enhanced safety practices for pedestrians and drivers, identifies the most dangerous locations, and recommends changes to reduce the risk of collisions. As technology improves and the city spreads more awareness of pedestrian safety, L.A. can expect the launch of effective initiatives.
Los Angeles Pedestrian Accident Information
While walking is a great alternative for kids, it also poses a serious risk to their safety. In fact, children are the most vulnerable on the road due to a lack of experience and varying developmental stages. Whether a child is playing outside, riding a bike, walking to school, or whatever the case may be, it is imperative for parents to teach their children pedestrian safety tips.
You hope you never get hit by a car while walking outside, but accidents do happen. You can help protect yourself and your loved ones by knowing where pedestrian accidents occur the most. Pedestrians are hit by cars most often when walking:
- After the sun goes down
- While wearing dark clothing
- While jaywalking
When it comes to determining fault in pedestrian accidents, it is not as cut and dry as most people would think. These kinds of accidents can be quite complex. Here are some of the parties and circumstances that will need to be investigated to determine the fault in pedestrian accidents:
- The driver
- The pedestrian
- Other factors
- Both parties can be held negligent
If you have been involved in a pedestrian accident, it is in your best interest to consult with an attorney so we can determine fault. We will work diligently to ensure the responsible party is held liable for his or her negligence.
A driver who hits a pedestrian with their car usually just faces civil charges, but in cases of gross negligence or intentional malice, they can face criminal charges. Pedestrians usually have no protection around them, so it’s possible a pedestrian can die from their injuries after getting hit. In these cases, the driver can be charged with vehicular manslaughter.
One of the first questions clients ask a Grey Law Los Angeles pedestrian accident lawyer is, “Who is responsible?” When our firm accepts your accident injury case, we’ll conduct an independent investigation to uncover all potential avenues of legal recourse. In the majority of pedestrian accident cases, the responsibility for damages falls on the driver’s shoulders.
Every individual owes the people around him or her a duty to act with reasonable care. When driving in a powerful vehicle, the driver’s duty of care increases above and beyond the duty of care a pedestrian owes. Pedestrians can face liability in an accident case, but these cases are rare.
The most common causes of pedestrian accidents involve driver negligence. Negligent behaviors that cause these accidents may include failing to follow the basic rules of the road, driving distracted, or driving under the influence. In California, driving while distracted is often also considered a moving violation, punishable by steep fines.
Most personal injury cases involve insurance negotiations. In pedestrian accidents involving an at-fault motorist, the driver’s insurance policy should cover the full cost of your injuries and losses. Insurance companies may try to reduce the payout as much as possible. Contacting a qualified Los Angeles pedestrian accident lawyer will improve your ability to secure fair compensation from an insurance provider after any serious accident.
Pedestrian accidents tend to cause serious and life-altering injuries. Many pedestrians don’t have an opportunity to give their side of the story until well after the accident, and they may require weeks or months of hospitalization and long-term rehabilitative care. Contact an attorney about your case as soon as possible after any pedestrian accident. We will start interviewing witnesses, looking for possible recordings of the accident, and negotiating with bill collectors and insurance companies on your behalf.
At our firm, we’re committed to delivering the maximum compensation available for victims of serious pedestrian accidents. With our help, you can start to recover emotionally, physically, and financially. A civil lawsuit against the driver responsible may yield compensation to cover the cost of medical bills, lost wages and future income, and your pain and suffering.
Frequently Asked Questions About Pedestrian Accidents
What Do I Need to Do Right After I’m Hit by a Car?
Getting hit by a car is scary and overwhelming. You should always try to grab the person’s license plate if they drive off. If not, it’s possible a witness got it or there was security footage from a nearby store. You should always call an ambulance so that you can get checked out.
I’m Only a Little Sore. Do I Still Need to Go to the Doctor?
Yes! Some injuries like brain damage and internal bleeding are not noticeable right away, and they also get worse over time if they are not treated. There are cases of people who were hit in the head and are found wandering the streets years later unable to remember who they are! It’s crucial to be seen by a doctor. This is also helpful to building your case, as the medical report will be used in court.
I Was Jaywalking. Do I Still Have a Case?
If you were breaking the law by jaywalking, it’s likely part of the reason a driver hit you. This will impact your case, but it won’t destroy it entirely. California follows the doctrine of pure comparative negligence, which means that each party pays a percentage of the damages that directly correlate to the fault they have. If you were jaywalking when you were hit, your settlement will be lower, but you will still be compensated.
The Person Who Hit Me Was Drunk. How Does This Affect My Case?
If you were hit by a drunk driver, you are lucky to be alive. Because they are driving while intoxicated, they were being grossly negligent, and this can increase the size of your settlement.
How Can I Stay Safe as a Jogger?
Jogging is a great way to stay fit, but it can also be dangerous. Most pedestrian accidents occur at sunrise or sundown, so if you go running at this time, wear something bright to offset the poor visibility caused by the time of day. Always try to wear bright and reflective clothing. You should also share your jogging route with others so that you are quickly found in the event you go missing.
Contact Our Los Angeles Pedestrian Accident Injury Attorney Today
We handle all types of vehicle accident cases. We have access to the resources needed to build a strong case against the individual or company responsible for your injuries, and we fight hard for our clients’ right to a fair settlement. For a free case evaluation or to learn more about your options, contact a Los Angeles injury lawyer from Grey Law.
Fill out the contact form on our site, or give us a call at (323) 857-9500 today!