Los Angeles Bus Accident Lawyer

Why Hire Our Bus Accident Attorney in Los Angeles?

Public, charter, or school bus accidents can be dreadful because of the number of passengers carried inside a bus, combined with the fact that most buses are not equipped with or do not require riders to utilize seat belts. Bus accident claims are complicated as riders are free to move about to socialize or use the restroom, and when buses are full or overcrowded, riders are permitted to stand. School bus accidents are extremely devastating, as most passengers are unsupervised and unrestrained children.

The number of passengers injured in commercial vehicle accidents has increased for the past several decades. So have the number of buses on the road. There are about 9,000 bus accidents each year in the United States. Around 12,000 people get hurt, and 330 people die annually in a fatal crash. The most common fatal accidents involve cars and pedestrians.

Although LA Metro is a useful way to get around the city, the risks of getting into an accident are prevalent. Hundreds of passengers sustain injuries annually from preventable collisions. At Grey Law we have helped injured clients recover damages for more than 35 years. Bus accidents can be tricky to handle alone without expertise in bus accident lawsuits. We’re here to help you through the legal process.

Statistics and Overview

  • More than 60% of bus accident fatalities involve another vehicle, and 25% involve a pedestrian.
  • During 2008, out of the 311 people killed in fatal crashes nationally, 39 happened in California.
  • In 2009, there were 1,140 injuries involving bus accidents in California and 2,816 fatal motor vehicle accidents, 23 of which involved buses.

If you or a loved one have gotten injured, speaking with a Los Angeles bus accident lawyer can help you understand your legal rights.

What You Should Know About Bus Accidents in LA

Taking public transportation, renting a private bus, navigating to school are generally supposed to be relatively safe ways to reach your destination. This article clarifies what you should know about bus accidents, whether you drive one or alongside one.

Bus accidents can potentially cause harm, if not death. We further explain common causes, injuries, and how to pursue legal representation for recoverable damages. The variables contributing to an unwarranted accident vary, making it difficult to determine fault. Instead, follow these steps if you can to protect your rights.

Call 911: If you or anyone else is injured, dial 911 immediately. In addition, keep any medical treatment documents related to your case, as it will be a vital component for evidence.

File a police report: Make sure to file a police report, as it is also a necessary piece of evidence for your case.

Witnesses: If bystanders witnessed the accident, write down their contact information to give their statement down the road.

Take Photos: If you are able to, make sure to take photos of the accident site, the damages of the bus and other vehicles involved, and any injuries you sustained.

Contact a lawyer: You must contact one as soon as possible to advise you on what to do next.

Specials Law For Bus Accidents

Special laws pertain to city buses avid commuters depend on to get to work, home, or elsewhere in California. These buses do not have seat belts for passengers who sit – or stand, depending on capacity throughout the day. Any local transit owned by governmental entities is called common carriers. Read on to learn more about common carriers and California Civil Code 2100 concerning passengers.

Bus Accident Statute of Limitations in California

Do you know your statute of limitations? If you were involved in an auto accident and decided to pursue legal action against the defendant(s), you should be familiar with the law. The statute gives you, the plaintiff, a time limit to file a claim or lawsuit. If a settlement has not gotten reached within the allotted period, you will not be permitted to continue or re-file in the future. Whether the accident involved a regular driver or government employee, the statute is subject to change or vary. Read on to learn more about the circumstances surrounding bus accidents.

Related Articles About Bus Accidents

The first moment your child boards a school bus, the school inherits the responsibility to care for their health and safety. This responsibility does solely go into effect when the kids are in the classroom. School bus accidents generally involve several liable parties apart from the school bus driver. Law firms conduct comprehensive accident investigations to discover who is to blame for the school bus accident. The person or group liable often pays up for damage and expenses incurred after the accident. This article lists and details possible defendants should a school bus accident occur and what to do when your child gets hurt.

Crashes happen because of improper bus maintenance or driver error. The bus company or owner might fail to inspect the vehicle for worn tires or malfunctioning breaks. Bus drivers may fail to obey the rules from fatigue or under the influence of illegal substances. Several damages can get recovered in a bus accident, including but not limited to:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages and loss of ability to earn

The size of a bus makes it vulnerable to causing serious wounds when in an accident. They range from the following:

  • Public transit bus accidents
  • School bus accidents
  • Shuttle bus accidents
  • Freight bus accidents
  • Commercial, private, and charter buses, such as tour buses

Frequently Asked Questions About Bus Accidents

What are the most common causes of bus accidents?
Despite being one of the most secure ways of getting around, there is still a spike in bus injuries each year. Bus accidents can get caused by numerous contributing factors, like:

  • Old buses with outdated equipment
  • Bus driver negligence
  • Dangerous roadways
  • Bad weather conditions
  • Inadequate security
  • Defective products and improper maintenance
  • Lack of bus driver training

Are bus accident victims entitled to compensation?
Yes! Whether you were injured as a passenger, bus operator, innocent pedestrian, or were driving another vehicle involved, a personal injury attorney in Los Angeles can pursue your case. You may be entitled to recover for:

  • Wrongful death
  • Past and future medical bills
  • Past and future lost wages
  • Loss of future earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental and emotional disability
  • Disfigurement and scarring
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Lifecare expenses
  • Property loss
  • Vocational rehabilitation
  • Loss of consortium
  • Workers’ compensation
  • Punitive damages

What is the statute of limitations for an adult to file a claim?
In California, the statute of limitations for any personal injury claim is two years from the date of the accident. However, you have a shorter time to act for claims against government workers, like public bus operators. You must file a report within six months instead.

Does the period extend for minors?
Yes! The statutory period does get extended for victims younger than 18. A bus accident lawyer might be able to extend the period, allowing them more time to file a lawsuit depending on the injury.

When is it best to reach out to a lawyer for help?
Always reach out to a bus crash attorney after you received medical treatment. While we urge victims to take as much time as they need, we also encourage them to act sooner than later. At Grey Law, we start with a free consultation to review your case. We would then advise you on the best course of action while we act on your behalf.

Contact Our Los Angeles Bus Accident Attorneys Today

A bus accident attorney at Grey Law can help you determine the types of damages you are entitled to get. The extent of those damages will depend on the circumstances of the bus accident. There are many apparent differences between public and private bus entities, which is why you must have an attorney on your side to explain what you should know about bus accidents. Public bus entities get protected by the government’s interest in immunity from private suits. It is in your best interest that you pursue representation.

We have more than 25 years of experience representing accident victims. Our attorneys have successfully represented and fought for clients in numerous accident injury cases. We will go to trial or take on motorists and their insurance companies or the state if necessary. Our attorneys work closely with medical professionals to determine the total amount of damages you’ve suffered. Call us today for a free legal consultation with an experienced lawyer for bus accidents in Los Angeles at (323) 857-9500.