The Inherent Risk Associated with Motorcycles
Road accident statistics and police reports countrywide are a scathing indictment on motorcycles. While motorcycles provide a fun and pleasurable option for travel, the risk associated with motorcycle travel is innately high. They are 28 times more likely to be involved in fatal accidents than cars, and their drivers are also more frequently linked to alcohol-related mishaps on the road. According to the San Gabriel Valley Tribune, this number has only being rising for the last twenty-eight years, mainly in Southern California.
The State of Motorcycle Travel in Los Angeles, California
Statistics released by the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System operated by the California Highway Patrol indicate the growing popularity of motorcycles. Similarly, the United States Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration shows that with 842,106 motorcycles registered, California is the state with the most registered motorcycles. Therefore, a significant number of bike associated accidents are to be expected, which emphasizes a further need for a Los Angeles personal injury attorney. Furthermore, the Governor’s Highway Safety Association’s Spotlight on Highway Safety also points out that California is the only state that legally allows lane-splitting, further complicating the laws on motorcycles in Los Angeles. Data provided by California’s Statewide Integrated, Traffic Records System indicates that California suffered 531 motorcycle-related fatalities in 2016. It goes without saying that with only two wheels, no safety belt, and little protection against the elements, motorcycle riders are inherently at risk of serious injury. As a result, the fatalities resulting from motorcycle accidents are decidedly more severe and more likely to result in deaths. The knowledge of such incidences makes it a necessity to be in contact with a Los Angeles personal injury attorney, and more specifically, a motorcycle injury lawyer. The National Center for Statistics and Analysis puts the number of deaths at a national level at 5,286 as of 2016.
The Need for a Competent Personal Injury Lawyer
In the unfortunate event that you or a loved one suffers a motorcycle crash, you will likely require the services of a motorcycle accident lawyer Los Angeles. A competent motorcycle injury lawyer will work to ensure that your claim in court is adequately defended and that any motorcycle injury is compensated. GreyLaw, Los Angeles injury lawyers with thirty-five years of professional experience in personal injury claims, will take you through every litigation step. They are motorcycle injury lawyers with vast experience in motorcycle accident law. If you require the services of an attorney for motorcycle accident compensation, GreyLaw is your best bet as they also assume the role of a Los Angeles motorcycle crash lawyer.
The expert Los Angeles injury lawyers, also known for having the best Los Angeles motorcycle crash lawyer, have had the privilege of providing legal representation to the people of Los Angeles County and have remained committed to defending the rights of personal injury victims, ensuring that they receive adequate compensation. It is instructive to note that the increased risk of injury and fatalities opens up the possibility of related medical expenses if one does not make use of a motorcycle accident lawyer Los Angeles . It should not be lost on us that motorcycle accident victims are more likely to face permanent injuries than car accident victims. The motorcycle accident Los Angeles-based lawyers at GreyLaw are more than experienced in the determination of fault and liability and will significantly increase your chances of securing compensation.
The Los Angeles personal injury attorneys at GreyLaw are alive to the fact that motorcycle injury victims are more likely to require more financial support to cater to the long-term effects of their injury. A reasonable attorney for motorcycle accident compensation will take these expenses, along with any financial loss occasioned by lost wages and any emotional pain and suffering into consideration while pursuing such a claim. At GreyLaw, our experienced Los Angeles motorcycle crash lawyers will guide and counsel you on the best way to go about litigation. The only way to determine the compensation owed to you is to have a free consultation with the Los Angeles motorcycle crash lawyers at GreyLaw.