Grey Law: Worker’s Compensation

Every worker is entitled to worker’s compensation as long as it is established they suffered an injury or illness in the line of duty. Sometimes workers fail to get compensation because of a lack of information about their rights at the workplace. The best way to seek compensation if you suffer an injury or illness at work is to seek the services of the best workplace injury lawyers in your state.

Los Angeles Workers Compensation Law

Any person who gets injured or suffers a work-related illness in Los Angeles has a chance to receive worker’s compensation. Most states including Los Angeles demand that employers offer all their workers (both documented and undocumented) with worker’s compensation insurance. A workers compensation attorney will be able to advise you more on this.

The insurance cover is basically meant to compensate employees who get injured while at work. The injuries can include illness from exposure to toxic substances, bodily injury or aggravation of a pre-existing condition.

Although the state laws are clear that workers should be compensated in case of an injury or illness resulting from work, this is always not the case. Your employer and the insurance company may collude to deny you the compensation – claiming that the injury did not take place at work. This is where a work injury attorney in Los Angeles comes in.

Trying to argue the case on your own or hiring a lawyer who is not experienced worker’s compensation law reduces the chances of being compensated. That is why it is important to get a good workplace accident attorney in Los Angeles to argue your case in court.

Such an attorney will be able to gather enough evidence on your behalf and convince the court order and employer and insurance company to compensate you.

Worker’s Compensation Benefits
If you get injured at work, the benefits from worker’s compensation will include a percentage of your lost income. The amount will depend on the severity of the injury and often capped at a maximum set by the state.

• Permanent and total disability – This is compensation given to a person who is rendered disabled and unable to complete work due to an injury from the workplace. Such a worker may be awarded two-thirds of the average weekly pay he or she earned prior to the injury.
• Temporary total disability – This is compensation for an employee who suffers an injury that leaves them temporarily unable to work for more than five days. The employee may get 60% of his or her weekly wage for close to three years.
• Partial disability – This is where a partially disabled employee who was injured is unable work as per his or her previous capacity earning. Such an employee can receive a compensation of 60% of the difference between his or her average weekly wage prior to the injury and what he or she is able to earn after the injury for about five years.

In general, it is important to understand your rights as a worker. If you get injured or ill in the course of duty, you have a right to be compensated by your employer. The best way to get justice is by hiring an experienced Los Angeles personal injury attorney to represent you.