Servicios Legales

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Áreas de Práctica Jurídica

Accidente de camión

Un accidente de tránsito que involucre un camión comercial, como un camión de dieciocho ruedas o un remolque de camión grande,

Accidente de camión

Un accidente de tráfico que involucra un camión comercial, como un camión con remolque de dieciocho ruedas o una plataforma grande, puede ser mucho más catastrófico que un accidente automovilístico común. Los accidentes de semirremolques comprenden


Accidente de autobus

Los accidentes de autobuses públicos, chárter o escolares pueden ser devastadores debido a la cantidad de pasajeros que se transportan dentro de un autobús,

Accidente de autobus

Los accidentes de autobuses públicos, turismo o escolares pueden ser devastadores debido a la cantidad de pasajeros transportados dentro de un autobús, combinado con el hecho de que la mayoría de los autobuses no están equipados o no requieren

Accidente de motocicleta

Cada año, hay más motociclistas registrados en el estado de California, y con este número creciente viene un aumento en el número de motociclistas.

Accidente de motocicleta

Las motocicletas ofrecen una alternativa agradable para viajar. Desafortunadamente, conducir también presenta un alto grado de riesgo tanto para los conductores experimentados como para los nuevos. En Grey Law, entendemos cuán rápido un viaje en motocicleta

wrongful death

If a person is killed because of the wrongful conduct of a person or persons, the decedent’s heirs and other beneficiaries may file a wrongful death

wrongful death

If a person is killed because of the wrongful conduct of a person or persons, the decedent’s heirs and other beneficiaries may file a wrongful death action against those responsible for the decedent’s death. This area of tort law is governed by statute. Wrongful death

Children Injuries

Children’s injuries are sometimes unavoidable. Because of their continual development, children are susceptible to a wide range of dangers and risks

Children Injuries

Children’s injuries are sometimes unavoidable. Because of their continual development, children are susceptible to a wide range of dangers and risks. The scope and nature of children’s injuries can be particularly damaging to a child’s future.

Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home abuse and the abuse of the elderly occurs all too frequently. They are some of society’s most vulnerable people,

Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home abuse and the abuse of the elderly occurs all too frequently. They are some of society’s most vulnerable people, but senior citizens are perhaps the most vulnerable when their living situations make it clear

Boat Accidents

With a large majority of the earth’s surface covered by water, it is no surprise that boating, cruising, and commercial boats

Boat Accidents

With a large majority of the earth’s surface covered by water, it is no surprise that boating, cruising, and commercial boats are a pastime that millions of people participate in throughout the year. This means thousands of people die in boating accidents each year and thousands more are injured.

Train Accident

While trains are convenient for travel and for transporting goods, they have become a greater danger over the years as their speed has increased. Sometimes railroad

Train Accident

Each year, there are more motorcyclists registered in the state of California, and with these growing numbers comes an increase in motorcycle accidents, injuries and even deaths. Grey Law offers years of experience with motorcycle accident injuries.


Bicycle Accident

There are some wonderful places to ride a bicycle in California. Riding your bike in Los Angeles or other congested metro areas can be a bit more of a challenge. As a cyclist,

Bicycle Accident

Each year, there are more motorcyclists registered in the state of California, and with these growing numbers comes an increase in motorcycle accidents, injuries and even deaths. Grey Law offers years of experience with motorcycle accident injuries.


Ride Sharing Accidents

As ride sharing such as Uber of Lyft grows in popularity in Los Angeles, the number of accidents in ride sharing vehicles keeps increasing.

Ride Sharing Accidents

As ride sharing such as Uber of Lyft grows in popularity in Los Angeles, the number of accidents in ride sharing vehicles keeps increasing. Since July 1, 2015, ride sharing companies have required to provide insurance for their drivers. So when an accident does happen,

Product Liability Lawyer

It is the primary responsibility of a manufacturer to ensure that the products that they make are safe for consumers. And this goes for products

Product Liability Lawyer

It is the primary responsibility of a manufacturer to ensure that the products that they make are safe for consumers. And this goes for products designed for adults and children alike. If you or a loved one has been injured from a defective product,

Construction Accidents

The building and remodeling of residential and commercial property continues to grow in Los Angeles and throughout California.

Construction Accidents

The building and remodeling of residential and commercial property continues to grow in Los Angeles and throughout California. Unfortunately, with this construction workplace accidents will happen. Construction sites can be dangerous places to work, visit or even walk by.

Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Los Angeles is home to around 4 million people. People in the city drive, walk, bike, and take public transportation on a daily basis.

Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Los Angeles is home to around 4 million people. People in the city drive, walk, bike, and take public transportation on a daily basis. When distracted motorists fail to see pedestrians, however, severe accidents can occur.

Swimming Pool Accidents

Poolside and other swimming related accidents are the second leading cause of death of children under 14 years of age. From drowning

Swimming Pool Accidents

Poolside and other swimming related accidents are the second leading cause of death of children under 14 years of age. From drowning to accidents involving poolside apparatuses such as diving boards or maintenance equipment,

Amusement Park Accidents

Amusement park accidents can result in serious injury or death to somebody visiting or working at an amusement park.

Amusement Park Accidents

Amusement park accidents can result in serious injury or death to somebody visiting or working at an amusement park. Millions of people from all over the country come to California specifically to go to amusement parks.