Construction Worker Safety Tips

Are you involved in the construction industry in Los Angeles? If so, there are a number of very important safety precautions that you should be aware of. These tips will help you avoid being injured in an accident on a construction site. If you are hurt, you can call the Los Angeles construction accident attorneys at Grey Law for assistance.

Best Construction Worker Safety Tips According to Our Construction Accident Lawyers Los Angeles

Here is a list of the construction worker safety tips you should follow to prevent accidents:
Make Sure Your Construction Site Scaffolding is Safe
There are several ways to make sure that the scaffolding on your construction site is safe for you to work with. First, it’s important to make sure that the scaffolding has been erected on solid footing. Check to see that the ground you are setting up on is dry, level, and free of rocks, gravel, and other possible obstructions.

The scaffolding that that a company erects on a construction site must be able to handle its own weight plus four times the maximum intended load. This is one of the first things that a Los Angeles construction accident lawyer will check for. If the scaffolding is faulty, it may well be cited as the cause of your accident.

Make Sure You Have Adequate Safety in Place to Prevent Falls
Falls are one of the leading causes of injury and death on construction sites all over the world. Many times, the fall is due to the worker not making use of the required safety equipment. However, in many other cases, the fall occurs due to negligence or oversight on the part of a supervisor or owner.

If you spot any cracks, tears, or holes in your scaffolding or other surfaces, make sure to report them right away. It’s a good idea to insist on using aerial lifts to give you a much safer working surface when you are high off the ground. You should also use safety nets and harnesses to limit your injuries in case a fall should occur.

Make Sure Your Stairways Are Kept Clear and Safe
Another potential area that can cause hazards, including a potentially fatal fall, is the stairway at your construction site. It’s a good idea to make sure that all of the stairways on your build site are kept clear and safe. You can do this by making sure that the stairways are kept level, slip-proof, and free of dangerous obstructions.

Don’t Step Up on a Ladder That is Potentially Unsafe
Ladders can also result in serious injuries, including falls, if they are not kept in safe condition. It’s always a good idea to make sure that the rungs of the ladder are secured and in good working order. Test them before you use the ladder in a potentially dangerous situation.

Contact an Attorney 
If, despite all of your precautions, you still manage to be injured in a construction accident, help is available. You can get in touch the workplace injury attorney Los Angeles citizens rely on in their time of greatest need. An attorney from Grey Law will be happy to help you get justice.

We will provide a Los Angeles construction accident lawyer who will stand with you through each and every stage of the legal process. Our goal will be to get you the maximum settlement for your pain, suffering, and expenses. Get in touch with us today to learn more about what we can do on your behalf.