Common Causes of Swimming Pool Accidents

Common Causes of Swimming Pool Accidents
When people think of swimming pools, they think of relaxation and enjoyment. However, combining water with concrete can be a recipe for disaster. Accidents are prone to happen, and so often do. For children between the ages of one and 14, drowning is the second leading cause of death. Swimming pool accidents are more common than not. A lot of unsuspecting people have lost their lives due to swimming pools. Pool safety is the sole responsibility of its owner and operator. The area around the pool should be clutter-free. Plus, any potential dangers should be brought to the swimmers’ attention. If you or a loved one has suffered an injury in a swimming pool accident due to negligence on the owner’s behalf, then you may be entitled to compensation. In addition, it may be in your best interest to consult with a Los Angeles swimming pool accident lawyer.There are several common causes of swimming pool accidents. They include the following:

Improper Barriers
Bodies of water can be extremely dangerous. As such, everyone, especially children, need protection from it. Having the appropriate barriers in place can prevent drowning. In fact, the drowning prevention rate for children increases by 83 percent compared to swimming pools that do not have barriers. An appropriate barrier for a swimming pool is a quadrilateral (four-sided) fence. Installing a barrier is a simple way to prevent accidents from occurring. However, this concept tends to be ignored.

No Close Supervision
As opposed to public swimming pools, a lifeguard is not required to be on duty by law. However, in contrast, if a lifeguard is not on duty, then swimming pool owners are mandated to inform users of such by posting a sign indicating such. If the swimming pool owner fails to post this sign, or negligence occurs on the lifeguard’s behalf, then the owner may be held accountable for any injuries that may occur to the swimmers.

No Installation of Anti-Entrapment Devices
Swimming pool drains can also be dangerous. They can pose serious threats to everyone, but especially to children. To prevent swimmers’ clothing, hair or limbs from being caught in the drainage system, an anti-entrapment device must be installed in every swimming pool–this is federal law. Deaths, or near fatal injuries, could occur if these devices are not installed in swimming pools.

Improper Decks
The areas around swimming pools can also be very dangerous. A concrete deck can be a very slippery surface. Minimizing the potential for falls and slips around the pool is the owner’s responsibility.

A Los Angeles swimming pool accident attorney can help you navigate the intricacies of a swimming pool accident case. During your time of uncertainty, an experienced Los Angeles personal injury lawyer can walk you through what you need to know about this type of case. Contact a swimming pool injury lawyer Los Angeles today to discuss your specific situation.