Is My Child’s Disability A Natural Birth Defect Or The Result Of Birth Trauma

Many people turn to our child injury lawyer in Los Angeles when they cannot determine whether their child’s defect was the result of a birth injury or a natural birth defect. People whose injury occurs as the result of medical negligence may be able to get compensation. People need the help of a personal injury attorney if they want to file a medical malpractice claim.

The Difference Between Natural Birth Defects and Birth Injuries
A natural birth defect is one that occurs while a baby is forming inside of the womb. It is also referred to as a congenital defect. The cause of a natural defect is not known. Researchers believe that they are caused by genetic problems. Autism, Down syndrome, cleft palate, congenital heart defects and spina bifida are some examples of a natural birth defect. You cannot get compensation if your child has a natural birth defect because it is not caused by negligence.

Birth injuries are often caused by medical negligence. If a doctor does not properly monitor a baby for signs of distress, then a birth injury can result. A birth injury can also occur if a C-section is not performed when it is needed.

Pregnancy complications, such as preeclampsia and placental insufficiency, can also result in a birth injury. Doctors are supposed to monitor women for these conditions. If complications arise during pregnancy, then the woman may need to be induced or have a C-section. Additionally, a birth injury is likely to occur during a premature delivery.

How a Birth Injury Lawyer Can Help
An attorney can review your case and discuss the rights that you have. They can also help you get compensated. Keep in mind that if your child has a birth defect because you were exposed to toxic chemicals during your pregnancy, then you may also be able to get compensated.