Astroworld Festival Leaves 8 Dead and Others Injured

Last Friday the sold-out Astroworld Festival made headlines for its sudden and dangerous turn of events. Over 50,000 fans in the Houston stadium complex were pushing toward the stage in anticipation of rapper Travis Scott.

In the process, at least eight people suffered from fatal heart attacks from a possible narcotics overdose. Others passed out from sheer pressure or sustained injuries through the chaos. Victims as young as 10 and 14 years old are still recovering from the aftermath of the mosh pit.

The horrific event happened just hours after fans were seen rushing through a VIP entrance earlier that afternoon. Multiple news reports show them bypassing metal detectors and security – increasing the premises liability risk for the venue owner and performing artists. Artists even agreeing to perform on premises where the security was lenient is enough to prove shared fault in the incidents.

Scott himself faces a helm of lawsuits for his alleged inability to stop the concert and control the crowd. Still – the question remains, should he be held responsible? The case requires a long investigation before attorneys for premises liability claims can give a definite answer.

Concert injuries and deaths have always been a known potential risk. Any personal injury lawyer would recommend performers purchasing liability insurance should attendees file a lawsuit after one of the shows. Typically, venues require a certificate of insurance prior to reserving the space. If applicable to Scott, it might offset a few of his legal expenses.

Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner issued a statement this past weekend on the news. According to CNN, Turner believes there is much to be discovered. “Over the next several days, several weeks, could be even longer, we’ll take an in-depth look at everything that took place, why it took place, what steps we can do moving forward to mitigate an incident of this kind from taking place,” she said.