Pedestrian Accidents on Interstate Highways

It is usual to see a vehicle or truck parked on the shoulder of an interstate highway. Collisions may happen no matter how cautious a person might be. Pedestrians are often the victim in these types of accidents. A legal duty exists for pedestrians to defend themselves. However, there are some people that take…

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What is a Subrogation Action?

Have you been in a workplace accident or car accident? If so, you likely visited an urgent care facility or emergency room thereafter. While any medical provider is likely to get patients to fill out forms when they are initially seen, there’s some additional paperwork that they have you complete if you report that…

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Factors to Consider When Hiring a Truck Accident Attorney

Whenever you are in a truck accident, it is essential to seek legal help. There are many factors to consider when hiring a truck accident attorney. You want to find someone who has experience with these types of cases and who knows the ins and outs of the law. It would be best to…

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Arnold Schwarzenegger Involved in Multi-Vehicle Crash

Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is under fire for his involvement in a multi-vehicle car accident on Friday night in LA. The actor walked away without bruises or injury, but one of the other drivers involved wasn’t as lucky. The Crash Los Angeles is known for its high traffic volume, whether it’s during the…

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California Nursing Home Visitors Must Now Show Proof of Vaccine and a Negative Test

If you have a loved one who resides in a nursing home here in Los Angeles, they might have already advised you of the new rule you must abide by if you want to visit them. You must show proof that you’ve received the COVID-19 vaccination, any necessary booster shots and that you’ve recently…

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Houston Police Officer Crashes Into 62-Year-Old Pedestrian

On Tuesday, January 4, a terrible fatality went viral. It had been reported that Houston police officer, Orlando Hernandez, drove his cruiser into a 62-year-old man on the sidewalk. According to The New York Post, he was driving nearly 100 miles per hour in a 40-mph zone. At the time, Hernandez and his partner…

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