ROAD RASH INJURIES ASSOCIATED WITH RIDING A MOTORCYCLEFor many individuals, motorcycles are a great passion. This is the case for many that live in the Los Angeles region. Southern California has the kind of weather that makes it the perfect playground for motorcycles. At the same time, riding a motorcycle is a risky proposition…
Playground injuries can happen in city parks, private homes, schools, daycare centers or any other place where children often play. Most of the injuries are often caused by unsafe equipment or unsafe behavior during playtime. The good thing is that most playground accidents never lead to serious injuries. However, if your child is seriously…
One of the most difficult things to determine for someone injured by a defective product is knowing who to sue. This is why one of the first questions a person injured by a product is, “Where can I find a product defect attorney near me?” A good product injury lawyer can help identify all…
Grey Law: Worker’s Compensation
Every worker is entitled to worker’s compensation as long as it is established they suffered an injury or illness in the line of duty. Sometimes workers fail to get compensation because of a lack of information about their rights at the workplace. The best way to seek compensation if you suffer an injury or…
How A Wrongful Death Claim Settlement Is Divided Amongst Family Members
When a person dies due to the negligence of others, surviving family members may file a wrongful death lawsuit against those responsible for their loved one’s death. Most of the time, those filing these lawsuits are surviving spouses or children, although there are occasions where other family members may opt to file a claim….
When Should I Sue For A Dog Bite?
You should be able to walk the streets and sidewalks in your community without being attacked by a dog. Owners have an obligation to keep their pets under control. If you have been injured in such an attack, then you will need to take immediate and decisive action. You should contact a Los Angeles…
5 Tips to Prevent Train Accidents
Train accidents, though rare, are still something that are too common in today’s world. These accidents are too common as they should not be happening at all. It is important to try to continue minimizing the amount of train accidents. Below you will find five tips to prevent train accidents. 1. Do not Race…
5 Common Causes of Swimming Pool Accidents
Swimming is one of the outdoor activities that most people in Los Angeles enjoy. For this reason, quite a good number of homeowners and also people who own recreational centres have promoted this activity by building swimming pools around their properties. While most people will go swimming to look for luxury, at times people…
Construction Worker Safety Tips
Are you involved in the construction industry in Los Angeles? If so, there are a number of very important safety precautions that you should be aware of. These tips will help you avoid being injured in an accident on a construction site. If you are hurt, you can call the Los Angeles construction accident…
Are Bicyclists Ever Liable For Traffic Accidents?
Since bicyclists and motorists share the same roads, accidents will occur. When this happens, many assume the motorist is automatically at fault. However, there are times when the bicyclist is also at fault. If you have been involved in such an accident, it is important to understand the legal process and how a Los…